They say that there was a galaxy once upon a time, that existed for only a second. Where and when the galaxy went, I cannot quite explain. Neither can i explain its disappearance. From whatever information I have been able to gather, this is what happened - the galaxy seemed to just fade away. Stars died, gases dissolved in space and the galaxy was gone (probably because of a black hole that must have formed due to the death of a star or something). Anyway, this has nothing to do with what the point of this post is supposed to be.
What I really wonder about was whether the galaxy lived for just one second or 10^9 nanoseconds.
If a nanosecond in the galaxy seemed as much as a 100,000 years seems in our galaxy, then this galaxy didn't exist for just a second but existed for an eternity.
And what if a 10,000,000 years for us seems like just a second in another place? It would mean existing for eternity in another eternity. The universe may thus, seem to us like it's going to exist forever because inside every "forever" is another "forever".