Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thief of luck - Targets can never be missed

This was it. One ship was all it took. She just needed to shoot down one ship. The one ship that had the neon-mercury chip on it. The one that stayed the furthest away from her...too scared to come close to her ship knowing that she never missed her targets. This was too easy. She made a sudden dive to confuse the target ship's pilot. She flew as fast as possible through the chaos of the battle and came out behind her target. This pilot was an amateur and taking him down was going to make her feel sorry for him. But, she had no choice. She got her target on lock and fired a ballistic missile at the ship. It missed. She looked at it in shock."OK.Relax.So I missed. I'll just try again." Her heart pounded. "MISSED! She had never ever missed a target in her entire life. And this was too easy a target to miss." The pilot swerved around to face her and fired a viper at her. Vipers? the enemy had vipers. This was definitely not good. Vipers tracked their targets. They were smart missiles. An inbuilt chip helped the viper identify the target at a radius of 100 metres and change it's course. This was very high technology. Too high for amateurs like these to possess.
Anyway, Ishnaa was an incredible pilot and had faced more challenging situations than this. She flew around in circles increasing her speed and radius till she got out of the 100 metres range. She swerved around and fired a laser at the viper to set it off once she was out of range.She swooped down after spotting the pilot and this time fired a laser at the ship. Lasers were too fast to get away from,even though,the damage was minimal. The laser seemed to unusually miss. She didn't think she saw it wrong. The laser missed. It didn't get deflected. It actually missed. This was absurd. A top officer like her did not miss so often.Something was terribly wrong here. It was like bad luck.
"Okay. No time to think about what's wrong."
"Ishnaa to Braze."
"Braze here. what's the problem?"
"Something very strange is happening here.I need you to try and take out the ship next to me.Do you see it?"
"I see it. I'm coming."
Braze was a pilot she could trust.Brilliance and modesty. They worked very well for him. He came at the ship from above and fired a bomb at the ship. Meanwhile, she kept firing lasers at him that kept missing him but managed to distract him a little, even though he seemed least bothered about the lasers, like he knew they were all going to miss. But, the distraction was insignificant. He dodged the bomb as easy as pie.(yes, they did have pies then in outer space. Btw, this was more than an era ago). As easy as pie. The pilot was definitely not an amateur like she thought. He tilted the ship while he curved and turned it upside down from where he unexpectedly fired a ballistic missle at Braze who had seconds to maneuvre his ship. The right wing got hit and Braze's ship was no longer good enough to be controlled. Ishnaa dived down and opened the canopy to let braze fall in as he ejected out of the ship. "phew! That was close. What in the world is going on here?"
Ishnaa looked up at the pilot above who gave her a thumbs up and warped out of the area. The rest of the enemy troops warped themselves out as well.
This mission was definitely not a success.
She clenched her fists. Something strange was going on here. And she was going to get to the bottom of this....

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